Job Hunt Update
So our job-hunt continues. We've been approached by numerous headhunters, some of whom are good, and some of whom are terrible. ;0 Seriously--have you ever heard of someone who is presumably an adult and cannot follow simple directions? I had one headhunter call during the middle of the day and ask for Mark. I explained that he was at work and she asked if it was okay to call him on his cell (the number is on his resume). She was quite snippy and I explained to her that no, it was *not* okay. Mark doesn't want to be contacted at work; I'd be happy to give him a message to call her when he comes home. That (apparently) wasn't good enough--she proceded to call him on his cell after hanging up with me. She was snarky with him as well, and we determined then and there that if a supposed professional couldn't follow simple directions, she probably didn't have a very good rapport with clients, either. And we don't want someone like that representing our family!
All of that aside, we will be turning down an offer this week. While it wasn't a bad offer, it wasn't in an area where we feel called or know anyone at all. Friends of ours relocated last year to an area far from their family and friends and have found the job to be...well, not what was promised. While this in and of itself isn't terrible, they are also locked in to the company due to a clause in the contract regarding relocation services, and they have no support system in place where they are. So we are attempting to learn from someone else's "wishiwouldaknown" experience.
Mark & I have both had very eerie, very similar experiences that we consider to be prophetic in nature, or at least, a sign from God that we really are meant to be in one particular locale. So hang on, Lucy...we're comin'! :) We've decided to wait it out; the job offer/relo package that we're turning down is the first one we've received, and we know that Mark's skills are superior and that other offers will come. We're hopeful about one particular company that indicated an interest in interviewing Mark, but we're also not hanging any hats on that hook at the moment.
We're excited and nervous at the same time about the changes our family will undertake this year. It's exciting to think of new opportunities and the ability to continue on in our adoption (which right now is on hold), but it's nerve-wracking (a bit!) to consider leaving all of which we find comfortable and familiar. The idea of a new area and new routines are enough to send each of us running for different bathrooms from time to time, so we try not to obsess about it or get ahead of God. ;)
So as we wait, we continue to pray about the timing, the details, and the right job. I don't want to move my family 350 miles in any direction for the wrong job; we already have a not-so-hot job and I'm content to wait here for the right one. :)
All of that aside, we will be turning down an offer this week. While it wasn't a bad offer, it wasn't in an area where we feel called or know anyone at all. Friends of ours relocated last year to an area far from their family and friends and have found the job to be...well, not what was promised. While this in and of itself isn't terrible, they are also locked in to the company due to a clause in the contract regarding relocation services, and they have no support system in place where they are. So we are attempting to learn from someone else's "wishiwouldaknown" experience.
Mark & I have both had very eerie, very similar experiences that we consider to be prophetic in nature, or at least, a sign from God that we really are meant to be in one particular locale. So hang on, Lucy...we're comin'! :) We've decided to wait it out; the job offer/relo package that we're turning down is the first one we've received, and we know that Mark's skills are superior and that other offers will come. We're hopeful about one particular company that indicated an interest in interviewing Mark, but we're also not hanging any hats on that hook at the moment.
We're excited and nervous at the same time about the changes our family will undertake this year. It's exciting to think of new opportunities and the ability to continue on in our adoption (which right now is on hold), but it's nerve-wracking (a bit!) to consider leaving all of which we find comfortable and familiar. The idea of a new area and new routines are enough to send each of us running for different bathrooms from time to time, so we try not to obsess about it or get ahead of God. ;)
So as we wait, we continue to pray about the timing, the details, and the right job. I don't want to move my family 350 miles in any direction for the wrong job; we already have a not-so-hot job and I'm content to wait here for the right one. :)
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