A Mother's Heart

First (and second) takes on motherhood .::. adoption .::. and family life

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Location: Dexter, Michigan, United States

Sunday, September 11, 2005

9.11 Remembered

People talk about major life events in terms of where they were, what they were doing, etc., when they "heard the news." So where were YOU when you heard about a plane crashing in to one of the Twin Towers? What were you doing and what was your first thought?

I can hardly believe it was 4 years ago today that it happened...in some ways it seems as if it was only last week, and in other ways it seems like a lifetime ago.


I was already a wet dish rag, as we had just buried a 3 y/o from our church who drowned accidentally. I couldn't stop crying. I was pregnant with Brendan and the loss of a child is hard, no matter what the circumstances. But add pregnancy hormones to the mix, and it was a b-a-d combination for me.

I remember watching the news and getting ready to take our sick dog to the vet--I heard that a plane had hit one of the Twin Towers and immediately thought of a Cessna or other small plane. The reporter on the news was saying that it was a loud, horrific crash that sounded like a missile, but of course I thought he was imagining things. When the second tower was hit, my stomach dropped out. I had just watched it happen live and although I saw it, I just couldn't believe it. That day was so hard--and we didn't know anyone in Lower Manhattan--it was just watching others suffer and thinking about the agonizing friends and family of those who were lost. As the towers fell, I think a part of my heart fell with them and the survivors.

The next day, my eyes barely opened due to puffiness from crying. Mark and I both said, "Yesterday felt like a bad dream." I had barely slept--I kept seeing the images of crashing jets and flames over and over in my mind. Oh how I wish that it had been simply a nightmare! The hatred and the evil was simply unfathomable to me, and all the conjecture in the world by "experts" didn't help explain it to my befuddled brain.

As the ruins smouldered for weeks, my head cleared a bit. I continually wondered about this baby I was carrying and what sort of world he was to be born in to--the thought scared me. I was grateful for the decisive action taken by our government and thankful to the young volunteers who signed up to defend our country.


To this day, I still don't understand the hatred and vitriol that brought people to our land, bent upon our destruction. I doubt I will ever comprehend such evil, because it's just not the way I think or live my life. But I will never forget those who died in those 4 plane crashes or the survivors they left behind. They are heroes in this saga and although they didn't go to work that day intending to sacrifice themselves, their sacrifice will not be forgotten and is not easily put aside.

For those of you who knew or loved someone who perished on 9.11, my prayers continue for you.

For those of you (like me) who didn't know anyone who died in those attacks personally, don't let the busyness of this life crowd out the loss and the pain of that day--never forget what happened. Hold the survivors in your heart and don't let the actions of that day fade in to our history books.


If you want to see an amazing tribute to the victims, survivors, and the heroes who sacrificed themselves on our behalf, go here.


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