A Mother's Heart

First (and second) takes on motherhood .::. adoption .::. and family life

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Location: Dexter, Michigan, United States

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Remembering Emily Grace

It has been 18 days since we lost Emily Grace, and in last night's mail was a CD and DVD of pictures that were used during the visitation and funeral. I made copies of the CD and will have a friend make copies of the DVD for distribution in the family. What I can't believe is how much "life" goes on in spite of the grief and how callous that seems, even to me who has to go on with "life." Despite the grief, my family needs to eat, bills have to be paid, and Mark must go to work. So I thought this was a good time to remember our niece and post some pictures as a bit of a memorial. I cannot watch the DVD yet--while I could during the funeral, I recognize that the numbness has worn off and it's simply too painful right now. I also have a special project I'll work on for Wendy & Brian, but at the moment, even that is too hard for me.

Pictures here range from infancy (with those gigantic eyes and silly smile) to early toddlerhood. She was a carbon copy of her Dada at birth and morphed in to the spitting image of her Mama, especially at the same age. It absolutely stunned me--this child was the exact image of her mother--her mother that I remember from our childhood! Her transformation kept us mesmerized, and she was the most vocal and vibrant of the Gutreuter family.

What a treat she was and how deeply she is missed. It seems as though the fog we are walking through is thick and memories hit us as inopportune times, yet we know how much harder it is for my sister and brother-in-law and their surviving children. Emily Grace ("of the beautiful face," as my parents always added) will be held in our hearts forever and is missed deeply.

We await our reunion in Heaven, sweet girl. Dance in the arms of Jesus until we arrive!


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